Building a Resilient Supply Chain Part 1
Managing Volatility & Disruption
A more resilient supply chain requires strategies to manage both everyday volatility and periodic disruption. Session will provide context around volatility vs. disruption (how they differ [effectively managing volatility requires proactive approach; effectively managing disruption necessitates a more reactive approach] and where they intersect [cannot react effectively to disruption, without the foundation of a resilient supply chain built to manage volatility] We will outline the challenges and opportunities in each environment, and detail best practices for establishing a strong supply chain foundation, upon which you can build the agility necessary to handle unexpected disruptions. These best practices will include bimodal supply chain, leveraging ecosystem partners (taking horizontal integration next step – not just cooperating to build a product, but collaborating to offer a solution – full lifecycle, hardware, software, services); and leveraging enabling technologies (blockchain, analytics, AI, etc)